Our Blog

Root Canal Awareness Week

Root Canal Awareness Week

You may have heard of a root canal, but what do you know about the procedure? The purpose of Root Canal Awareness Week (March 30 - April 5, 2014) is to dispel the myths and mysteries surrounding this endodontic tool. Here's what you should know about the process....

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Dental Injuries – Chipped/Fractured Teeth

Dental Injuries – Chipped/Fractured Teeth

Dental emergencies are no laughing matter. They can be painful and unpleasant to deal with, especially when you are talking about broken or chipped teeth. Why should you worry about a cracked tooth and what should you do if you experience one? Fractured teeth aren't...

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Causes of Tooth Pain

Causes of Tooth Pain

Patients come to Phoenix Endodontic Group for many reasons, one of which is tooth pain. Tooth pain can be dull and throbbing or sharp and severe, either of which having various causes. The good news is that some of these triggers are controllable and the effects can...

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How Much Does a Root Canal Cost?

How Much Does a Root Canal Cost?

Patients will often call Phoenix Endodontic Group and ask what appears to be a very simple question -How much does a root canal cost? Like I said this seems like a simple question, however there a so many factors involved in providing an answer that most dental...

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Giving Back

For the second year in a row, I was honored to serve as the Event Director for the Central Arizona Dental Society Foundation, Mission of Mercy. This event was held at the Arizona State Fairgrounds last December, two weeks before Christmas. In only its second year CADS...

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Social Media and Your Dental Marketing Plan

Social Media and Your Dental Marketing Plan

Back in the day, doctors and dentists were taught to believe that any form of advertising was bad, it seemed unethical to "chase" clients. If a dentist had a marketing plan, it was "building a referral base". But word of mouth is one of the hardest plans to control,...

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How to Choose a Phoenix Endodontist for Referrals

How to Choose a Phoenix Endodontist for Referrals

The days of endodontists limiting themselves to just doing root canals seems to be changing - some Phoenix endodontists have expanded their specialty practices to include retreating root canals that have become infected or developed complications, performing apico...

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Creating a Dental Marketing Plan

Creating a Dental Marketing Plan

Do you have a marketing plan for your dental office? A dental marketing plan, a guide for the next year, is vital to your success. If your plan is not in place, now is a good time to start. "Start with clear goals," says Dr. Jacqueline Allen, from her Phoenix...

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Welcome to 2014

Welcome to 2014

We would like to take a moment and wish all of our patients and referring doctors a Happy New Year. It is our wish that all of you are prosperous and successful in 2014. 2013 was a very eventful for the Allen Endodontic Group, we saw our practice grow and develop in...

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End of an Era

End of an Era

On November 20, 1990 a young Endodontist named Joseph S. Dovgan signed a lease and hung a shingle at the Mountain View Medical Center at the intersection of Tatum & Shea in Paradise Valley, AZ. For the next 21 years, Dr. Dovgan performed literally thousands of...

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Root Canal Awareness Week

Root Canal Awareness Week

  Please join the American Association of Endodontists in celebration of the seventh annual Root Canal Awareness Week In celebration of upcoming Root Canal Awareness Week (March 17 - 23, 2013) Allen Endodontic Group would like to explain the important role...

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Congratulations Dr. Allen

Congratulations Dr. Allen

It has been awhile since I have contributed to this blog - well I am back and have a little catching up to do. Please join me in congratulating Dr. Jacqueline S. Allen on her induction into two different dental associations. These ceremonies occurred during the...

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Business Survival 101

Business Survival 101

Don't just survive, THRIVE! Stocks are falling, gas prices are rising and small businesses are closing. It's a grim outlook on the current state of the economy with an election looming and uncertainty lingering in the air. Don't become a statistic. Discover how you...

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Pardon Our Dust…

Pardon Our Dust…

Technology Upgrades Call us crazy, but here we go again. We firmly believe that all businesses should have a plan to replace technology as early as three years and no later than 5 years. The current technology in our office fits in that range and we have decided to...

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Marketing the Endodontic Practice

Marketing the Endodontic Practice

Marketing Root Canals As an "endodontic specialty practice," Allen Endodontics, relys on our general dentist referrals to grow our practice. We strive to be the leading source of endodontic care and provide superior services and root canal treatments here in the...

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Dr Glen Eisenhuth – Diplomate

Dr Glen Eisenhuth – Diplomate

Dr. Eisenhuth Receives AAE Diplomate Pin At the recent Annual Session of the American Association of Endodontists (AAE) held in Boston, MA., Glen A. Eisenhuth, D.D.S. participated in a ceremony where he was presented his Diplomate Pin in recognition of having...

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Phoenix Endodontics Technology Update

Phoenix Endodontics Technology Update

Guest Wi-Fi At the recent Western Regional Convention for the Arizona Dental Association, I attended several seminars and workshops. During these learning sessions I was struck by how many participants openly checked their cellphones and I-Pads (taking notes perhaps)...

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Phoenix Root Canal – Fears

Phoenix Root Canal – Fears

Fear of the dentist is a common among the non-dental population, it is something that we confront and work with on a daily basis. Having come to expect that certain patients may be truly afraid of making an appointment to have a root canal has made us better equipped...

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Technology Update

Technology Update

New Scanner Reading the title of this post is less than exciting, huh? Well it's exciting for me. Yesterday, we installed a new scanner in the office - a Fujitsu fi6010N SnapScan. This machine is a REAL scanner, not a copier or a printer that can do "it all"...

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Arizona Mission of Mercy

Arizona Mission of Mercy

This is a topic that you are going to hear a lot about from us in the upcoming months. The Arizona Dental Mission of Mercy will be held on December 7th & 8th at the Arizona State Fairgrounds. This event is a huge undertaking that will provide basic dental care for...

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Full Moon Fever

Full Moon Fever

Full Moon Effect - What Gives? What I am writing about today has nothing to do with dentistry, endodontics or root canals but it has everything to do with what happens in our office during full moon lunar cycles. Being a "light sensitive" sleeper, I notice when any...

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Root Canal Phoenix

Root Canal Phoenix

Welcome to our Blog Thank you for visiting our website and blog. This is new for us and I am sure we will be making mistakes along the way, but no doubt all of the "experts" tell us that communication with our patients and referring dentists is a sure way to stay...

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