Endodontics In the field of Endodontics, retreating root canals and other failed dental work can be a routine part of daily practice. There are a few frequently observed conditions that often require repeat work. Dr. Susan Wood of Phoenix Endodontic Group mentions some of these situations.

For some patients in Endodontics, they’ve undergone a root canal and failed to follow through with the entire treatment process. After your treatment has been completed at your Endodontist’s office, it is important to follow up with your general dentist for a permanent restoration or crown to prevent leakage. RCT that is done properly the first time by an Endodontist has over 95% success rate, providing that the tooth has been restored adequately in a timely manner, says Dr. Wood.

Another type of treatments that may eventually degrade are the seals on teeth that have been filled or received root canal therapy. Endodontics patients must be dedicated to their twice-yearly dental checkup for best results with seals. Dr. Wood describes the problem: Just like your automobile’s tires that wear after excessive use, seals on fillings can break down after months of chewing. It is important to see your general dentist regularly, to catch the breakdown in marginal sealing prior to them allowing leakage into the root canal space.

Last but not least in the list of retreatment cases are root canals that have failed due to ineffective treatment. This could be caused by failure to remove all of the infected tissue within the tooth, a compromised canal that was missed, or a filling that was not sealed properly. Should the tooth become problematic again, an Endodontics professional may repeat the root canal or extract the tooth.

For best results regarding your dental health and endodontics needs, see your dentist twice a year to identify problems early on. When a more complex issue arises, call Phoenix Endodontics Group for the best possible outcome!