root-canal-treatment-therapy-phoenix-azPreparation is like power tools – you can get things done without it, but why would you want to? Understanding what may happen when referred to an endodontist for root canal therapy can make the difference between approaching the experience with anxiety or with confidence, maybe even excitement (yes, really!).

Talk with your dental treatment team about the five aspects of root canal therapy listed below before your treatment is scheduled. Do, and you’ll be prepared for most parts of the procedure. You will also be ready to play an active part in your own healing.

5 Things You Should Know Before Root Canal Therapy Begins

1. If root canal therapy is the best choice for you. Your endodontist can provide a clear treatment plan for your failing natural tooth. They will perform a preliminary examination and discuss whether root canal therapy can save your tooth, or whether another option is a better fit.

2. Do you need to take antibiotics before your therapy begins? Many teeth needing root canals are infected from decay or injury. Your practitioner may prescribe oral antibiotics to fight any active infections.

3. Post-procedure instructions from your endodontist. You will go home with a sheet of instructions, including what foods to eat, how to care for your tooth after the root canal, and activities to avoid for the first few days.

4. What to do if you have pain after your root canal therapy. Root canals usually relieve pain rather than causing it. Sharp pain after a root canal may indicate more treatment is needed. Your endodontist will provide a number to call (both during and after working hours) if you experience pain and need to be examined immediately.

5. When to schedule follow-ups with your endodontist and dentist. Your specific damage and treatment may need a follow-up with your endodontist. Otherwise, once the tooth treated with root canal therapy has begun healing, you will visit your general dentist for a crown or other restoration atop your root canal, ensuring years of protection for your natural tooth.

“We equip our patients with the knowledge to feel comfortable and informed before root canal therapy,” says Dr. Jacqueline S. Allen, who practices with the Phoenix Endodontics Group. “Understanding what to expect improves healing and the procedure’s success.”