Dental emergencies are no laughing matter. They can be painful and unpleasant to deal with, especially when you are talking about broken or chipped teeth. Why should you worry about a cracked tooth and what should you do if you experience one?
Fractured teeth aren’t just a cosmetic issue, though they can certainly make you self conscious if the chip is in a spot that shows when you talk or smile. Depending on the type of break, you may suffer damage to your tongue or interior cheek due to sharp edges, sensitivity to hot or cold foods, pain when biting or chewing, loss of the tooth, and infection if the crack is left unattended.
Dr. Jacqueline S. Allen of Phoenix Endodontic Group treats many dental emergencies at her practice. “Younger people (those under 25) are more subject to dental trauma from sports or activities,” says Dr. Allen, going on to state that “any age can have dental trauma from car accidents, falling, etc. In general the elderly are more likely to have biting incidents that damage teeth.” You may also experience superficial cracks in your tooth enamel as you age, which are generally just cosmetic in nature but may still be bothersome.
You may not be able to prevent all tooth breaks from occurring, but you can lessen your chances for chipped or fractured teeth by using protective mouth guards during sporting events and being vigilant about your twice-yearly dentist appointment. Your endodontic specialist can monitor your dental health and fix minor cracks before they become a big problem.
Regardless of the cause, if you do suffer a chip or break, get to a dental or endodontic specialist right away. Bring along any pieces that may have broken off from the tooth. Some breaks may be repaired with a crown, others may require a root canal, and some may need to be extracted completely.
By seeking treatment following dental emergencies, the more likely it is that Phoenix Endodontic Group can save the tooth or use less extensive measures in its repair.