Our Blog

How Soon Should I Get a Crown After a Root Canal?
It seems that our schedules continue to get busier these days and are full of activities that need to be accomplished, particularly this time of year. If you are dealing with the challenge of an infected or injured tooth, you may wonder if you really have to schedule...

Now Hiring | Join Our Team
Dental Assistants and Front Office Staff Tired of the same routine at your General Dentist office? Have you thought about jump starting your career in a dental Specialty Office? Looking to learn new skills and keep up with the latest technology in the dental field? Do...

Who Should Do My Root Canal?
When you have a tooth that’s compromised by decay or injury, you need to move quickly to a treatment plan. You may also be suffering some significant pain, which can make it harder to think through your options. It’s true that general dentists CAN do root canals, but...

In Memory of Carl Stewart
Goodbye to a friend of Phoenix Endodontic Group. We were all very sad to hear the news that Carl Stewart, our friend and handyman recently passed away. Since 2007, we could always count on Carl for repairs, remodeling and anything that needed to be fixed. We...

What Procedures Does an Endodontist Perform?
If you’ve been referred to a Phoenix endodontist and have never seen one before, you might wonder what services they provide. Endodontics is recognized as an official specialty field for dentists by the American Dental Association. Endodontists attend two to three...

Celebrating 20 Years in Endodontics
This month, the entire country paused to reflect on the 20-year anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks that shook us all in September 2001. What also occurred in September 2001 was Dr Jacqueline Allen opening her own endodontic specialty practice in Phoenix, AZ. ...

Important Questions to Ask your Dentist About Dental Implants
Nothing can replace an in-depth conversation with your dental provider if you want to clearly understand your oral health. At no time is this more true than when you’ve been told you have failing natural teeth and might want to consider dental implants. We’ve compiled...

Do I Need to Have a Root Canal if There is No Pain?
While persistent pain is a common sign that a tooth is in trouble and may need root canal treatment, it isn’t the only indicator. If your tooth doesn’t hurt but you have other symptoms, you shouldn’t ignore the problem until it DOES. To understand why pain should not...

How Long Does It Take To Recover From Root Canal Treatment?
Although root canal treatments have an overall success rate that exceeds 90 percent, patients who have never needed endodontic treatment may be concerned with how much time it will take to recuperate. The good news is that most people can go back to work or school the...
Worth Saving! (Save Your Tooth Month)
COVID-19 and its social and economic effects have made 2020 and the beginning of 2021 extraordinarily difficult in many ways. For some of us, it has moved the impact of our daily health routines to the front of our minds. For those with injured, damaged or infected...
How Painful is a Root Canal?
For many years, comedians have regularly used the term “root canal” to capture any painful experience. The jokes weren’t funny to anyone who actually needed a root canal - fear of pain was sometimes enough to keep them from getting badly needed care. Today’s root...

How Do I Care For My Dental Implants?
Dental implants can change your life dramatically. If you were missing teeth before, you now will be able to chew, speak, and smile with a new sense of confidence. However, while dental implants can be successful up to 98 percent of the time, success depends on taking...

Are You Awake During a Root Canal?
While more and more Americans are becoming aware of the benefits of preserving natural teeth, you may still find yourself with a number of questions and no little anxiety when a root canal is the suggested option for saving a diseased or damaged tooth. Root canals can...

Are Dental Implants Worth It?
When a natural tooth cannot be saved, one effective option is to have it replaced with a dental implant. Whether installed as an individual implant, though, or as part of an entire arch of replacement teeth, implants have a significant cost associated with them....
5 Top Root Canal Questions – Answered
It’s crucial to have accurate information when considering a root canal. A qualified general dentist or endodontist can offer up-to-date knowledge about how root canals work and why you might need one. Here are five common root canal questions received at the Phoenix...

Why Are Patients Choosing Dental Implants for Tooth Replacement?
Dental patients have a number of choices when one or more natural teeth cannot be saved, but not all choices are created equal. More and more, adults are choosing dental implants because implants offer advantages not found with other options. Dental implants are one...

Does A Root Canal Kill The Tooth?
Many dental patients know that root canals can save natural teeth but may wonder what actually happens inside the tooth with the procedure. Of course, there are many benefits to retaining your natural teeth whenever possible. The root canal treatment procedure...

5 Questions to Ask Before Getting a Dental Implant
Replacing a tooth - or all of them, if necessary - with a dental implant is a major health decision. It is important to understand what a dental implant can do for you, how the procedure will work, and postoperative care. Here are five questions you will find helpful...

PPE for Pups | Drive for AZ Humane Society
Phoenix Endodontic Group is collecting PPE Gowns for AZ Humane Society Trauma Hospital and challenging our referral partner offices to join us in donating. We will match your donations of PPE Gowns during the collection drive for the month of September. AHS is facing...

Questions to Ask Your Endodontist Before Root Canal Treatment
Root canal treatments are highly effective in saving injured or infected natural teeth. They are typically not lengthy procedures, but most laypeople are not clear on what’s involved in a root canal or what to look for when selecting a practitioner. If your regular...

When Should You Get a Dental Implant?
For those struggling with problems with natural teeth, one question can become paramount: “Should I have an endodontist treat my tooth with a root canal, or should I consider getting a dental implant?” The decision-making process related to a dental implant involves...

Can Every Tooth Be Saved With Root Canal Therapy?
Root canals are often the treatment of choice when you develop a serious infection involving your natural tooth’s pulp, or if your tooth has been chipped, cracked, or otherwise damaged. However, while root canals have a high success rate and a high patient...

May Is Save Your Tooth Month
While 2019 may have been the year of decluttering, thanks to author Marie Kondo, this year people are considering the value of conserving the things that matter the most to them. Savingfamilyscrapbooks is a no-brainer when it comes to things to hold on to, but what...

How Long Does It Take Dental Implants to Heal?
When considering dental implants, you can expect your endodontist to allow three to six months for healing, after placing the implant and before placing a permanent restoration on top of the tooth. The implant and its crown will take the place of your natural tooth....

Which is Better – Root Canal or Extraction?
A damaged or infected tooth needs to be assessed by a dental professional as soon as possible. Endodontists are dental professionals who specialize in saving natural teeth through root canal treatments and other procedures. However, even with today’s technology, the...

Can You Do a Dental Implant in One Day?
Sometimes to get the right answer about your oral health, you have to ask the right question. If your question is “Is it possible to perform a dental implant in one day?” the answer is a definite yes. However, if your question is “Can I have a dental implant done in...

Dr. Jacqueline Allen Now Offers Minimally Invasive Laser Dental Endodontic Treatment
Dr. Jacqueline Allen is qualified to utilize the minimally invasive Waterlase™ to treat dental conditions with less discomfort to the patient and in some cases use less to no anesthetic. Dr. Allen completed the advanced endodontics continuing education with Dr....

How Soon After Tooth Extraction Can You Have a Dental Implant?
While it’s often possible to save an injured or infected tooth, sometimes extraction is the best option. In those cases, it is important to replace the tooth as soon as possible with a dental implant. If gaps from extracted teeth are left as is, the interaction...

What Happens If You Don’t Get a Root Canal?
Although fewer Americans fear root canals than in previous generations, anxiety about the procedure can still be significant enough for many with an infected or damaged tooth to put off visiting an endodontist to be evaluated. They may hope that their symptoms go away...

Introducing The Wand™ Dental Technology To Our Practice
Dental patients everywhere have something in common. No one enjoys shots. Often, it takes more than one injection to numb an area. It’s almost worse than the procedure itself! And when the procedure is done, you’re left with numbness spread throughout your mouth. It’s...
Do Root Canals Cause Health Problems?
Millions of root canals are performed successfully each year. However, concern persists in some circles that instead of relieving a health problem – an infected or injured tooth – root canals cause illness. While there is no evidence to support this idea, rumors of...

Are Dental Implants Safe?
Risk management is a key part of our everyday lives. When it comes to managing dental health, patients want to be sure that a recommended procedure is safe as well as effective. In the past couple of decades, dental implants have become a popular option for replacing...
Is It Necessary To Get A Crown After A Root Canal?
If you are referred to an endodontist for a root canal, you may be surprised to learn that, as critical as the procedure is to saving your natural tooth, you will also need a second procedure to ensure its long-term success. Most of the time, your endodontist will...

Is It Painful To Get A Dental Implant?
As more people consider dental implants when natural teeth cannot be saved, some patients may wonder what level of discomfort to expect. This is a complex question, as some people need tooth extractions, sinus lifts, or bone grafts in conjunction with a dental...

How Do You Know If You Need A Root Canal?
Determining whether you need a root canal or another type of dental treatment is usually handled by your general dentist or endodontist. You can avoid many complications by knowing the signs and symptoms indicating a root canal may be needed, and making an appointment...

Saving teeth is our thing

May Is Save Your Tooth Month
If you have a natural tooth compromised by infection or injury, you may believe that extraction is your only solution. However, many compromised teeth can be saved by endodontic treatments such as root canals or other more complex procedures. Endodontic practice...

Phoenix Endodontic Group Offers Enhanced Support to Referral Providers
We are excited to tell you about a new development in our practice, one that is designed to better serve the restorative dentistry practices we work with. We have instituted a new position called Professional Relationship Director, whose role is to ensure seamless...

How Long Do Dental Implants Last?
When teeth are injured, infected, or structurally damaged, it can be challenging to determine the best path back to oral health. Sometimes endodontists can save natural teeth with root canals. When teeth are beyond saving, dental implants are an option. Implants are...
How Many Appointments Are Needed For A Root Canal?
For many years, root canals were portrayed in popular culture as uncomfortable, complicated dental treatments. Advancements in technology and technique have enabled endodontic specialists to streamline the root canal process and reduce discomfort during and after the...

How Soon After Tooth Extraction Can You Have A Dental Implant?
When an injured or infected tooth cannot be saved, it’s natural to want to rush toward the next treatment step. If your choice to treat your failing tooth is a dental implant, your first question may be how long you have to wait after the extraction to get your dental...
How Is A Root Canal Performed?
By the time your endodontist says you need a root canal, you may not care about the details of the procedure – you may simply want the pain in your mouth to stop. However, understanding what happens when a root canal is performed can lead to a better outcome. Root...

Am I A Good Candidate For A Dental Implant?
Dental patients with teeth that are seriously compromised by illness, injury, or decay are usually aware that extraction by itself is rarely the best option. If you are experiencing serious tooth trouble, you may be wondering whether a root canal or a dental implant...

Can You Go Back To Work After a Root Canal?
Your experience after a root canal may be as unique as the circumstances that led to your need for the procedure. After your root canal, your endodontist will likely send you home with instructions for how to care for your teeth until a permanent crown can be placed....
What Should You Avoid Eating After a Root Canal?
Modern root canals are very effective treatments for natural teeth endangered by injury, decay or disease. The procedure has a success rate well above 90 percent. In those first few days after a root canal, though, your attention may be drawn to more immediate...

Dr. Allen Awarded 2018 Health Care Hero Award
We are thrilled to announce that Dr. Jacqueline Allen, Phoenix Endodontic Group has been awarded the 2018 Health Care Hero Award by the Phoenix Business Journal in the dental category. Dr. Allen was recognized for her contributions as a founding member of the Central...

What Is The Recovery Like For Root Canal?
Root canals are a type of endodontic procedure designed to save a patient’s natural tooth. An endodontic specialist or a general dentist treats an injured or infected tooth by cleaning the canals of the tooth root of their pulp and replacing it with a compound known...
Top Three Questions to Ask Your Endodontist About Root Canals
Just as it is important to be an informed consumer when you go shopping, if you have been referred to a Phoenix endodontist for a root canal, you should ask questions of your provider about the procedure. Your experience with the root canal may be more pleasant and...

How Common Is It To Get A Root Canal?
If your general dentist has recommended that you call an endodontic provider about having a root canal performed, you’re far from alone. The American Association of Endodontists reports that more than 15 million root canals are performed every year – that’s more than...
Why Did My Dentist Refer Me to an Endodontist?
Many of us love a good mystery novel or television show, but few people enjoy mysteries that revolve around our teeth. If you went to your general dentist to resolve a nagging dental issue, you may be wondering why he or she sent you to an endodontist for further...