by Dr. Jacqueline S. Allen | Jan 10, 2014 | Blog, Business, Dentistry, Endodontics, Phoenix Endodontic Group

We would like to take a moment and wish all of our patients and referring doctors a Happy New Year. It is our wish that all of you are prosperous and successful in 2014. 2013 was a very eventful for the Allen Endodontic Group, we saw our practice grow and develop in many positive ways.
The continued success of our practice, along with changes in way patients today communicate and search for their healthcare provider have brought our practice to a “fork in the road.” Over the next few months, you will gradually see our brand (market) name change from “Allen Endodontic Group” to “Phoenix Endodontic Group“.
As mentioned, the evolution to the new brand name better aligns our practice with the needs and demands of the patients and referring doctors we serve. Our two locations in Phoenix and Paradise Valley, AZ give us a unique approach to serving these needs and we want to make it easier for people who are seeking the finest endodontic care available to find us.

Please be assured that NOTHING else about our practice has changed. Allen Endodontic Group was founded by Jacqueline S. Allen, D.D.S., M.S. in 2001, she remains the sole owner and primary endodontist in the practice. Since the beginning, Dr. Allen has focused on providing the finest quality treatment for patients and referring doctors alike. This focus will continue and will be stronger than ever.
Recent changes to the healthcare industry in the United States make it more obvious than ever that the need for high quality, patient focused providers will be greater than ever. While consumers are braced to accept a more “clinic” and impersonal approach to their healthcare needs, Allen Endodontic Group is determined to not fall into that trap and always be a cut above when it comes to the care we provide.
Please accept our thanks for all that you have contributed to our past success and join us as we will be known as Phoenix Endodontic Group.
Dr. Jacqueline S. Allen
by Dr. Jacqueline S. Allen | Sep 5, 2013 | Blog, Endodontics, Phoenix Endodontic Group
On November 20, 1990 a young Endodontist named Joseph S. Dovgan signed a lease and hung a shingle at the Mountain View Medical Center at the intersection of Tatum & Shea in Paradise Valley, AZ. For the next 21 years, Dr. Dovgan performed literally thousands of root canals, retreatments and apico surgeries under the roof in Building D-132. At the end of this week, an era is coming to an end and after all of this time, root canals will no longer be performed at this suite.

Allen Endodontic Group has operated Dr. Dovgan’s practice since January 2009 and as our lease came up earlier this year, we decided it was time to upgrade our facility. Almost 25 years in the same location takes a toll on the facility and we felt it was time to modernize our office. So as of September 16, 2013 our patients will be seeing us in the same complex (Mountain View Medical Center) – in Building A-102. The new facility was designed and layed out with our patients comfort in mind. We have about 100 more square feet of space as well.

Dr. Dovgan has been gone from the clinic for two years now – he has left a void that is impossible to fill. Over the years, not only did Joe treat thousands of patients, but he was actively involved in research, inventing and teaching – he mentored and trained hundreds of young dentists. No matter what your experience, you could always learn something new from Joey D!

Allen Endodontic Group is proud to be a part of the legacy created by Dr. Dovgan regarding dentistry in Paradise Valley, Arizona. So, even though the suite has changed, what has not changed is Dr. Dovgan’s commitment to excellence in endodontics – this will always be a part of who we are and what we do. Our thanks to Joe Dovgan for starting this tradition 23 years ago…. Please come visit us at:
Allen Endodontic Group – 10555 N Tatum Blvd A-102, Paradise Valley, AZ 85253 or 6520 N 7th Ave Suite 7, Phoenix, AZ 85013
by Dr. Jacqueline S. Allen | Mar 6, 2013 | Blog, Dentistry, Endodontics, General Information, Phoenix Endodontic Group, Root Canal
Please join the American Association of Endodontists in celebration of the seventh annual Root Canal Awareness Week

In celebration of upcoming Root Canal Awareness Week (March 17 – 23, 2013) Allen Endodontic Group would like to explain the important role endodontists play in dental health, and to teach the public that root canals should not be feared. What better way to do this than give some facts regarding endodontists and root canals.
Endodontists are dentists with special training in diagnosing and treating oral and facial pain, and problems associated with the inside of the tooth.
Endodontists must complete four years of dental school plus two or more years of advanced training in endodontics.

Patients may need endodontic treatment, including root canals, if they experience any of the following symptoms:
- prolonged dental sensitivity to heat or cold;
- tenderness of teeth to touch and chewing; or
- facial or oral swelling.

Root canal treatment is needed when the pulp (the soft tissue inside the tooth) becomes inflamed or infected as a result of injury, deep decay, repeated dental procedures on the tooth, or a cracked or chipped tooth.

Most patients who have had a root canal performed by an endodontist describe the procedure as virtually painless.

Eighty-five percent (85%) of patients who have had a root canal performed by an endodontist would return to an endodontist for future work.

Call the Allen Endodontic Group, located in Phoenix and Paradise Valley, AZ if you have any questions about the health of your teeth or if you think you need a root canal. 602-242-4745 or

by Dr. Jacqueline S. Allen | May 2, 2012 | Blog, Endodontics, Phoenix Endodontic Group
Dr. Eisenhuth Receives AAE Diplomate Pin
At the recent Annual Session of the
American Association of Endodontists (AAE) held in
Boston, MA., Glen A. Eisenhuth, D.D.S. participated in a ceremony where he was presented his Diplomate Pin in recognition of having fulfilled all of the requirements to become a
Board Certified specialist in the field of Endodontics.
by Dr. Jacqueline S. Allen | Apr 23, 2012 | Blog, Endodontics, Phoenix Endodontic Group, Technology
Guest Wi-Fi
At the recent Western Regional Convention for the
Arizona Dental Association, I attended several seminars and workshops. During these learning sessions I was struck by how many participants openly checked their cellphones and I-Pads (taking notes perhaps) during the presentations. As one who has given corporate presentations to large groups of people for over 20 years, I have to say that at first I was shocked at how impolite to the presenter this behavior seemed to be.
by Dr. Jacqueline S. Allen | Apr 5, 2012 | Blog, Business, Dentistry, Endodontics, Patients, Phoenix Endodontic Group, Root Canal, Social Media
Welcome to our Blog
Thank you for visiting our website and blog. This is new for us and I am sure we will be making mistakes along the way, but no doubt all of the “experts” tell us that communication with our patients and referring dentists is a sure way to stay connected to the folks we work with and provide services for.
In our first post I thought I would start by telling you what type of content you can expect to find when you visit our blog. This is the site for
Allen Endodontic Group and Jacqueline Allen, D.D.S., M.S. is the primary doctor in our practice. Dr. Allen does have a supporting cast which includes me, Kevin Conroy, Dr. Allen’s husband and CEO of Allen Endodontic Group. I will be the primary author of content on this site – I am
NOT a dentist – I possess a business background and handle all functions related to administration in our two locations.