Marketing Root Canals
As an “endodontic specialty practice,” Allen Endodontics, relys on our general dentist referrals to grow our practice. We strive to be the leading source of endodontic care and provide superior services and root canal treatments here in the Phoenix metropolitan area.

In order to further grow our practice and earn the referrals we want we are utilizing network marketing. Marketing to our current referral partners not only shows our appreciation for the business they send our way but also allows the opportunity to listen to feedback which can ultimately improve our business practice. Expanding our reach to practices who have not yet utilized our endodontic expertise is also key when using a direct network marketing campaign.

Allen Endodontic Group wants to spread the word and position ourselves as the leading provider for root canals and endodontic care in Phoenix, AZ. Some dental practices may be unaware of the state of the art equipment we utilize, our availability for emergency care and convenient Friday appointment times.

Physically visiting these practices allows the opportunity to share this information, listen to feedback on what they look for when referring, and incorporating as much of their referral criteria as possible. Building confidence with current referrals and earning business from new practices is essential.