Technology Upgrades
Call us crazy, but here we go again. We firmly believe that all businesses should have a plan to replace technology as early as three years and no later than 5 years. The current technology in our office fits in that range and we have decided to move forward with technology upgrade project that will help us to continue to deliver the finest endodontic experience for our patients and referring doctors all under our mantra of “High Tech, High Touch.”

New technology for Allen Endodontic Group does not just mean purchasing new PC’s – not this go around. We have decided to take a full blown leap to a virtualized world and have embraced CITRIX and its robust VDI capabilities. I am too much of a non-tech person to try to explain how it works, but simply stated you end up with only one install of your software instead of multiple installs across your network. Each desktop computer is replaced with a “dumb terminal.” A picture is worth a thousand words.

Virtualization seems like the best solution for us, because of our two locations. We will now be able to consolidate two servers into one and us VDI instead of remote terminal access. Oh, the big bonus is that we move from Windows XP the the heartier and more graphics intense Windows 7. A big shout out to our implementation partner Jim Snodgrass, the owner and operator of Phoenix PC Networking. The process for conversion started almost a year ago when Jim first started talking to us about VDI.
Will we do better root canals here in Phoenix because of this new technology? Endodontic therapy of the 21st Century requires the use of modern digital diagnostic and display technology. The more a patient can visualize and understand the process, the smoother the process goes for both patient and doctor. Technology can be a great separater for a specialty dental practice and the feedback we have received from both patients and referring doctors alike has encouraged us to continue to make smart investments in new technology.
Hopefully both offices will be fully upgraded by 10/31/2012… Stay tuned.