Welcome to our Blog
Thank you for visiting our website and blog. This is new for us and I am sure we will be making mistakes along the way, but no doubt all of the “experts” tell us that communication with our patients and referring dentists is a sure way to stay connected to the folks we work with and provide services for.
In our first post I thought I would start by telling you what type of content you can expect to find when you visit our blog. This is the site for Allen Endodontic Group and Jacqueline Allen, D.D.S., M.S. is the primary doctor in our practice. Dr. Allen does have a supporting cast which includes me, Kevin Conroy, Dr. Allen’s husband and CEO of Allen Endodontic Group. I will be the primary author of content on this site – I am NOT a dentist – I possess a business background and handle all functions related to administration in our two locations.
So now that you know the author of the blog, let me tell you what our vision is for the content, frequency of updates and purpose – sort of a mission statement for the blog. The primary purpose of reaching our clients using this type of media is to provide information. We will provide information about the practice of dentistry, endodontic therapy and oral health for patients. As a quality-based, specialty endodontic practice we have an obligation to educate both the public and general dentists about advances and updates in our area of specialty. We take that obligation seriously.
We will also provide information and updates about our practice. In the next posting, I will do a history of our practice and how we came to where we are and the wonderful people we have met along the way that have mentored Dr. Allen and influenced her and the way she practices her specialty. Further down the road, I will provide profiles on all of our teammembers @ Allen Endodontic Group. Doing this will provide our readers with a familiarity with us and perhaps feel more at ease when contacting us.
Also, we plan on providing stories, anecdotes and little tidbits about what takes place in the office on a day to day basis. Over the years, Dr. Allen and her associates have treated literally thousands of patients in the Phoenix, Paradise Valley and Scottsdale areas. Each patient brings a unique and interesting life experience to our office and we would like to share with our followers some of the stories that we find compelling from a human interest standpoint.
Lastly, I will provide advice, tidbits and success stories about practice managment and share with our followers what has been successful in terms of technology, practice development, social media and overall business development. I get a kick out of trying new things and sharing our experiences. I believe that we can all learn from each other.
So that is my plan – I will try not to turn this space into “Kevin’s Korner”, but I will have a significant impact on the content. I hope that you will get some value and learn something from the time spent here. All of us @ Allen Endodontic Group thank you for visiting our blog and we look forward to commuincating with you regularly.
Make it a great Day!