Root CanalsRoot canals have definitely evolved over the last several decades.  For many years, root canals were synonymous with untoward events in people’s lives. Common phrases such as “I’d rather have a root canal than…” or “that hurt worse than a root canal” have haunted the specialty that I am so passionate about, for far too long.  Even more recently, a comment made by our very own president painted root canals as being less popular than his bank buy-out.  Come on people.  Are root canals really that bad?

The answer is simply, no; they are not!  I have a phrase that I use when I complete a procedure and my patient says “well, that wasn’t as bad as everyone said it would be.”  My reply is, “who wants to hear anyone say ‘my root canal was so easy; I didn’t feel a thing and it was a great experience?”  Let’s face it, our world is so caught up in the horror stories that they believe to be true that they don’t really care or listen about the good experiences.

There have been so many advancements in root canal treatment!  With the advent of new anesthetic techniques came the ability to treat teeth in one visit and with much less discomfort than before.  With the advent of nickel titanium rotary, instruments are more efficient and have reduced clinical treatment times.  With the advent of microscopes came the ability to see microfractures and additional canals that we never knew were there before.  And with the advent of cone beam computed tomography, we gained the ability to discern between the teeth we should be treating, and those that are hopeless and should be extracted.

On March 27-April 2, the American Association of Endodontists will present its tenth annual Root Canal Awareness Week.  This is a special week that we use to educate patients and remind clinicians of all the ways that root canal therapy has changed over the years.  For the better!

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