iv-sedation-root-canal-phoenixAre you one of those people who feels a little anxious about having to undergo a root canal procedure? We can help. Our practice offers IV sedation as a way to manage the anxiety that comes with having to have a root canal.  IV Sedation helps issues with discomfort, or for patients with dental anxiety. It is also useful when we work on numerous teeth or complex tooth roots.

Using IV sedation for root canals allows patients to receive care with relative ease and permits our practitioners to provide care in a relaxed, focused environment.

Here we answer a few common questions relating to IV sedation dentistry.

How is IV sedation different from local anesthesia?

During most root canals, patients receive local anesthesia injected in the gum near the tooth to be worked upon. The patient cannot feel discomfort around this area, but is fully conscious. IV sedation is a method of delivering anesthesia intravenously and relaxes the entire body.

Who delivers IV sedation at your practice during root canals?

Phoenix Endodontic Group contracts with a licensed dental anesthesiologist to provide and monitor IV sedation services.

What might I experience during my IV sedation root canal?

Sedation is delivered to the degree most appropriate for your situation. Most patients experience a light to moderate level of sedation during root canal therapy.

Light IV sedation makes you feel relaxed. Moderate IV sedation may make you feel drowsy; later on, you may not clearly remember your procedure. Heavy IV sedation does not make you unconscious, but most patients fall asleep and remember nothing about their experience.

How do I prepare for an IV sedation root canal?

If you’re having a root canal with IV sedation, our staff will discuss your treatment plan during your initial consultation. Be sure to tell us about medications you are taking (including over-the-counter) or systemic health conditions such as diabetes or high blood pressure.

Are there any after-care instructions specifically for root canal patients who receive IV sedation?

After the procedure, you will need a trusted driver to take you home. You may resume most normal activities 24 hours after your IV sedation root canal.

In addition to its use during root canal therapy, our practice also utilizes IV sedation during the placement of dental implants and in conjunction with emergency dental services for broken or knocked-out teeth.

“At Phoenix Endodontic Group, we use all tools at our disposal to provide quality dental care in a calming, healing environment,” says endodontist Dr. Jacqueline S. Allen. “We’re happy to discuss our protocols for IV sedation dentistry and whether it is the right choice for your root canal.”