
When you have an infected or injured tooth, your first priority is to stop the pain right-now-immediately-this-instant. Or possibly yesterday. If your dentist has recommended that you see an endodontist to have a root canal to repair your tooth, you may wonder why. If the dentist could do it, why is it better to see an endodontist?

Endodontists – who are dental specialists focused on saving your natural teeth – are the providers-of-choice to perform root canals. There are a host of reasons, but here are some advantages endodontists hold over general dentists when it comes to who’s better prepared to provide root canal treatment.

Endodontists Are Your Best Choice For Root Canal Therapy

1. Endodontists have extra training. After four years of dental school, endodontists complete an additional two years training, including practicing skills in a residency program, to receive their clinical certificate in endodontic dental medicine.

2. Endodontists have access to and experience with the latest technologies. Part of endodontic training focuses on using 3-D imaging technology, digital radiographs, dental operating microscopes, and other tools that make cleaning the tiny canals in your tooth roots easier.

3. Endodontists have more experience performing root canals. General dentists perform an average of two root canals per week. Endodontists perform an average of 25 root canals per week. That adds up to a lot more root canals!

4. Endodontists can handle unusual, complex, or challenging root canals. If the tooth that needs treatment has a complex root system, is strategically necessary to complete other dental work, or has other challenges outside the norm, an endodontist is the one to call. Chances are, they’ve seen a similar situation and been able to formulate an effective treatment plan.

5. Endodontists have other treatment options to preserve your natural teeth. If your root canal treatment is ultimately unsuccessful, an endodontist can provide a retreatment or an apicoectomy (treating the canals from the root-side of the tooth) to save the tooth.

6. Endodontists are specialists in pain management. Before, during, and after the root canal, your endodontist can provide suggestions and prescribe medication to relieve any minimal discomfort you may experience.

Only three percent of all dentists become endodontists,” says Dr. Jacqueline S. Allen, who practices with the Phoenix Endodontics Group. “Our specialty training allows us to provide expert care for your root canal. Schedule your consultation today.”