Tooth pain is almost always a signal that something is wrong inside your mouth and that you need to see a dentist immediately. The last thing you want to worry about in this situation is what day of the week it is.
Specialists with the Phoenix Endodontic Group, like many other Scottsdale endodontists, are able to see emergency cases on the weekend. However, what if you’re in pain, but not sure if it’s bad enough for you to see your Scottsdale endodontist? Here is a quick guide for assessing your weekend dental emergency and determining the best course of action to resolve it.
Weekend Dental Emergency Guide
- When to call 911. Some conditions mandate immediate medical care, including jaw fractures, jaw dislocations, lacerations of the soft tissues of the mouth and face, or an abscessed or infected tooth that is severely swollen and/or impacting one’s breathing or swallowing. The emergency room staff can stabilize your condition, so that your Scottsdale endodontist can then safely provide treatment to preserve your teeth.
- When to call your Scottsdale endodontist. If you’re not experiencing symptoms that are life-threatening, it’s appropriate to call your dentist or endodontist and request to be seen immediately. Cases of cracked and knocked-out teeth fall in this category. If you have badly decaying teeth and are experiencing symptoms of dental infection, you may need an emergency root canal treatment. Don’t hesitate to ask for weekend treatment – in these cases, you will be preventing a potential trip to the ER, not to mention reducing your pain.
- When to practice self-care at home. If your dental pain is very mild, you may choose to apply some self-care techniques over the weekend and call your Scottsdale endodontist on Monday. Avoid extremely hot or cold foods and beverages, take over-the-counter pain relievers for your toothache and gargle with warm salt water to keep the area clean. If your symptoms get worse, don’t hesitate to make a weekend appointment to address the situation.
“Your treatment for your dental emergency should be predicated on what symptoms you have, not the date on the calendar, says Dr. Allen of the Phoenix Endodontic Group. “Our practice, or that of any Scottsdale endodontist, will be happy to see you get care during a weekend dental emergency situation.”