by Dr. Jacqueline S. Allen | Feb 6, 2024 | Blog, Endodontist, GentalWave, Root Canal

Like carpenters (or stock brokers), endodontists rely on tools of the trade to do their work. Members of both professions have plenty of tools to help them get the job done. Not all tools are created equal for specific tasks, however. Both a screwdriver and a hammer can be used to pound a nail into a board, but the hammer is the better-suited choice.
When performing root canals, endodontists now have a tool better than the metal files of old for cleaning tooth roots. Practitioners at Phoenix Endodontic Group now turn to the GentleWave system to perform root canals. Here’s a quick look at its advantages over traditional root canal tools.
Why GentleWave Beats Them All
- The GentleWave System is minimally invasive. It uses multisonic wave pressure to move specially formulated fluid through your tooth roots. No scraping.
- GentleWave can clean your root canals more completely than traditional tools. A cascade of bubbles moves like a whirlwind, descending then rising out of the canal. This flushes bacteria and biofilm from the tooth, no matter how complex the canal’s shape.
- Most patients feel little or no pain during a GentleWave root canal. An ongoing clinical trial by dental technology provider Sonendo, Inc., reported that 99.5 percent of enrolled patients experienced no pain during a GentleWave root canal utilizing CleanFlow Technology.
- Root canal treatment time is reduced when GentleFlow is used. Many root canal patients can now receive their treatment in a single session. (The necessary final crown will be placed in a later visit.)
“The GentleWave System has revolutionized how root canals are performed,” says Dr. Jacqueline S. Allen of Phoenix Endodontic Group. “It provides a faster, more complete cleaning of root canals with less discomfort. Because of this, we are confident GentleWave is the best option for most patients’ root canal therapy.”
by Dr. Jacqueline S. Allen | Aug 7, 2023 | Blog, Endodontist, GentalWave, Root Canal
Phoenix Endodontics Group treats patients using the most up-to-date technology. We do this because advances inevitably bring a better experience and better post-treatment outcomes for patients.
If you come to us for a root canal, we are likely to suggest the GentleWave Procedure. Let’s look at why we prefer GentleWave technology over traditional approaches to root canals.

GentleWave – Best Current Root Canal Therapy?
1. The GentleWave Procedure leverages fluid dynamics to flush root canals clean. A traditional root canal relies on cleaning with files and other special instruments. If a spot is missed, or a canal is hard to find, some infection can remain. GentleWave’s cascade of tiny imploding bubbles more completely removes biofilm, bacterial infection, and other material from the tooth.
2. The GentleWave Procedure reaches and shakes loose debris that even skilled endodontists miss. For complex root canal systems, treatment using the GentleWave Procedure provides extra assurance that all surfaces have been cleaned and disinfected.
3. The GentleWave Procedure is less invasive than traditional root canal therapy. For those with dental anxiety, root canals can be challenging. With GentleWave, there is less scraping and tapping in the canals and less pain, resulting in a less stressful experience.
4. The GentleWave Procedure requires less time for treatment and recovery. Our patients are pleased that their root canal therapy can be completed in one session most of the time! (They will still need to promptly see their general dentist for a crown to complete restoration.) They are also happy to find they are able to return to their usual activities more quickly than after a traditional root canal, too.
“Our implementation of the GentleWave Procedure for root canal therapy has been a win-win for our practice and our patients,” says Dr. Jacqueline S. Allen, an endodontist at Phoenix Endodontic Group. “We are able to provide a more comprehensive, less invasive treatment, and patients benefit from faster treatment and reduced recovery times with less pain and anxiety.”
by Dr. Jacqueline S. Allen | Jan 23, 2023 | Blog, GentalWave, Root Canal
When it comes to saving natural teeth, endodontists are always on the lookout for new technology and techniques to make procedures less painful, more efficient, and more likely to provide long-term successful treatment. The Phoenix Endodontic Group has recently added the new GentleWave G4 system for root canals.
GentleWave takes a substantially different approach to root canal treatment, using multisonic vibration and fluid dynamics to cleanse and reshape even the most unusual and complex tooth root systems. We are excited to be one of only two practices in Arizona to be employing this technology.
Here’s a quick overview of how GentleWave differs from a traditional root canal and why these differences add up to a better overall experience.

Advantages Of The GentleWave System During Root Canal Treatment
- GentleWave is minimally invasive. The most impactful difference is the GentleWave system requires endodontists take far less time using files to clean and reshape canals.
- GentleWave uses fluid dynamics to clean away infection. The irrigating fluid used in the GentleWave system passes through a narrow opening on the instrument used by the endodontist, creating a cascade of tiny imploding vapor bubbles. These mini-explosions create shockwaves that separate bacteria, biofilm, and debris from the tooth.
- GentleWave’s reliance on fluid movement allows it to clean even challenging root canals. The system leverages the power of the irrigating fluid’s journey through the tooth to remove more than 98 percent of bio-film and organic tissue, even in canals the endodontist has not previously been able to detect!
- GentleWave procedures result in less post-procedure discomfort. More than 96 percent of patients treated with GentleWave report little or no pain 48 hours after the procedure.
- The GentleWave system can reduce treatment time for patients. Many patients treated with GentleWave can be done with their root canal treatment in a single session.
“GentleWave, in my experience and that of other endodontists, is proving to be a game-changer in terms of saving natural teeth,” says Dr. Jacqueline S. Allen of the Phoenix Endodontic Group. “Our staff is happy to explain how GentleWave works and discuss whether it is an option for your specific treatment.”
by Dr. Jacqueline S. Allen | Sep 27, 2022 | Blog, Business, GentalWave, Root Canal

Through Innovative Technology, Phoenix Endodontic Group to Provide Patients with a Simpler and Less Invasive Option for Root Canal Therapy
Phoenix Endodontic Group, a leading endodontic practice in Phoenix, AZ., announced today its partnership with Sonendo, Inc., a leading dental technology company, to offer the revolutionary GentleWave® System with CleanFlow™ Technology, a less invasive and less painful alternative to traditional root canal therapy.
The GentleWave Procedure has redefined standard root canal treatment with a minimally invasive process that preserves tooth structure and promotes early healing. With a goal to save patients’ natural teeth, the system is designed to treat tooth decay by cleaning and disinfecting the microscopic spaces within teeth without the need to remove tooth structure. And with the addition of the CleanFlow procedure instrument, the GentleWave System now offers an even better patient experience and simpler workflow. According to an ongoing clinical trial sponsored by Sonendo, 99.5% of patients had no pain during a root canal procedure utilizing the GentleWave System with the addition of CleanFlow Technology.
“We are thrilled to introduce the GentleWave System with CleanFlow Technology into our practice and are confident that this marks an important milestone in the transformation of traditional root canal treatment,” said Dr. Jacqueline Allen. “We wholeheartedly support this trusted technology, which allows our patients to experience less pain and heightened comfort.”
The GentleWave System uses advanced fluid dynamics, broad-spectrum acoustic energy and accelerated chemistry to deliver an alternative to conventional root canal therapy – a procedure that is traditionally performed with a series of files used to scrape the inside of the tooth, often causing post-operative pain and discomfort for patients and requiring multiple visits to the doctor. With the GentleWave System, patients experience significantly less pain overall and more than 90% of procedures can be completed in a single visit.
“Our goal is to revolutionize the standard of care for root canal therapy. As more doctors use the GentleWave System, more patients can experience less invasive treatment,” said Joanne Lindberg, Vice President of Sales with Sonendo. “We are thrilled to see Phoenix Endodontic Group remaining at the forefront of embracing innovative technology, thereby enabling an enhanced patient experience and streamlined workflow.”
To book your appointment today, contact the Phoenix office via the website: